Our Compliance
As the safety and integrity of your materials is our utmost priority, GlobalVita is obsessed by quality and compliance with exceptionally high standards at every stage of your shipments.

Quality and Compliance
Compliance with international guidelines can be obtained by strict adherence to SOPs, however GlobalVita goes one step further. Our teams manage every shipment with precision, exceptional care and maximum priority. Furthemore, all staff is trainned to ensure that your shipment arrives the final destination in perfect conditions.
With years of experience, GlobalVita's Quality Assurance teams designed processes that allow us to mitigate the risks and comply with pharmaceutical standards and regulations.
GDP-compliant logistics
GlobalVita is a Good Distribution Practice (GDP) compliant logistics specialist, which ensures that consistent quality management systems are in place throughout the entire supply chain, from shipment pick up to the final destination.
This reinforces our commitment to high quality logistics standards and compliance with international requirements throughout the supply chain.

Quality Management System
GlobalVita Quality Management System (QMS) includes SOPs specifically designed for quality assurance and compliance with international regulations, Control and Risk Mitigation processes, Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA) and quality and compliance trainning,
GlobalVita is also in full compliance with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 for quality management.
Contingency planning
Quality assurance also means being prepared in case of unforeseen events. When planning the routing for your shipments, our Operations teams always design alternative routings that can be used as contigency.
Moreover, our teams monitor closely weather conditions, cancelled flights and other potential logistics constrains, so contigency plans can be actived promptly to ensure a fast delivery of your shipments.